Therapy for Highly Sensitive (HSP) WOMEN in Calgary & Throughout Alberta, Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
You’re Tired Of Struggling With Feeling Overwhelmed About Your Environment, Others And Your Own Feelings And Needs, And The State Of The World
Is this you?:
You’re someone who can walk into a room and tell immediately if something is off or if someone is having strong emotions.
It often feels like you possess a sixth sense about what people need even before they ask for it or feel before they share it, leading you to prioritize others' needs and feelings over your own.
You’re thoughtful and kind and feel good about being so, but often are not thoughtful or kind towards yourself.
You think deeply about yourself, your life, your relationships, and the state of the world.
Often you find yourself feeling anxious and/or sad and wonder if these are your feelings or whether you’re just so good at picking up on the feelings and emotions of others that you’ve started to confuse them with your own.
You think you know who you used to be, but as life’s demands have increased you feel like you’ve lost yourself somewhere and wonder if you’ll ever feel like yourself again.
You sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sounds, sights, smells, tastes or textures in an environment and want to get away from these stimuli as fast as possible to someplace calmer.
If you answered yes to most of the above questions, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
You don’t have to live with feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, and loss of yourself and your dreams.
Therapy For Highly Sensitive People Tailored to Women Can Help You Cope, Heal, And Remember Who You Really Are.
In therapy for highly sensitive people, you can begin to learn how to cope with overwhelming emotions, whether your own or someone else’s. Your HSP therapist can help you make sense of what has been happening in your life and how you got where you are. In HSP therapy you can also heal those painful experiences in your life that have left their mark on your body, heart, and soul and may be playing a role in what triggers you to feel overwhelmed and/or go into familiar but unhealthy coping patterns. Your HSP therapist can work with you to clarify what is meaningful for you in your life and build a life that is in alignment with those values.
What would it feel like as a Highly Sensitive woman to:
Cope with your emotions and the emotions of others?
Have insight into your story and how you got here?
Heal from painful life and relationship experiences?
Be able to set boundaries with others that feel good and healthy?
Build a life that feels purpose-full and meaningful?
Feel the state of the world and still move forward in alignment with your values?
Reconnect with who you really are and what you long for?
If the above resonates for you, therapy for highly sensitive people can help you get there. You and your female therapist will work together to help you achieve your goals and reach what matters to you.
Common Reasons Highly Sensitive Women Seek Out And Begin HSP Therapy
Every woman* has a slightly different set of reasons for coming to therapy at IMatter. Some of the common reasons Highly Sensitive women might seek out and begin individual HSP therapy with me (Dr. Easter) include:
Overwhelmed by the demands of children or family
Feeling teary often
Find yourself anxious often
Feeling shame about believing or being told you are “too sensitive”
Irritability* that interferes with relationships with those you love (*please note that I do not offer therapy for domestic violence & am legally and ethically mandated to report the abuse, of any kind, of minors or dependents)
Shocked and overwhelmed emotionally when watching the news about events in the world
Feeling disconnected from yourself
Feeling like you will never be able to cope with life as it is
Easily triggered to tears, anger, or fear when dealing with members of your family of origin
Feeling like you’re never able to leave work behind you and/or carry it with you when you leave
Feeling compassion fatigue
Devastating loss and overwhelming emotions about events at work
Feeling like you cannot bear to hear yet another person’s pain
Feeling frozen and not knowing how to deal with conflict or challenges at home or at work
Questioning what you are teaching your kids or grandkids, nieces or nephews in your life and whether you feel good about it anymore
Feeling like you are always saying yes to others even when you have no more capacity left to give and it hurts
Questioning whether the problems in your relationship are your partner or yourself and your reactivity
Feeling like there’s something wrong with you
Agonizing if the problem in your family of origin or relationships is really you
As a Female HSP Therapist, I Can Help.
From professional and personal experience I know what it’s like to be a Highly Sensitive woman. I know what it’s like to walk through the world with the gift (yes, gift) that is being an HSP. Additionally, I know what it is to give away so much of yourself that you start to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. I know what it is to feel different in the world as a HSP. Over my 20+ year counseling career I have sat with thousands of women who weren’t sure how to begin to look after or even love themselves as they carry deep feelings of not belonging and shame because of being an HSP. I am specifically experienced in working with Highly Sensitive women*. So as a part of my approach to therapy for highly sensitive people (especially women), I use:
Insight-oriented psychodynamic therapy
Coping approaches such as mindfulness, clinical hypnosis, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance strategies
Trauma therapies including EMDR and Flash Technique
Existential therapy.
At my private practice in Alberta, I’ve been helping Highly Sensitive women cope, heal, remember who they are, and truly love themselves since 2013.
The IMatter Approach to Therapy for Highly Sensitive People
I like to think of my approach to therapy for highly sensitive people as being like an egg. Yep, an egg with six parts.
Being client-centered means that I also prioritize focusing and working on the goals that you say are important to you. Meaning that you direct the focus of a given session. It also means that I am intentionally looking through a lens that highlights your strengths and how you have attempted to solve problems in your life through adaptations that may not serve you now.
The Egg Shell of HSP Therapy: Informed Consent
On the outermost part of “the egg” (the “shell”) lives client informed consent, which surrounds everything that I do, holding it all together. Informed consent means that we take the time to discuss the steps that we are considering taking together and we do not move forward without both your understanding and your permission. It also means that at any point in time, you can change your mind and pump the brakes on something we’re doing together. It means that the priority in our work together is your safety.
The Egg White of Therapy for Highly Sensitive People: Parts 1-4
Within “the egg” then we have the “white”, which for our purposes refers to what we’ll be “doing” in therapy, and it is divided into 4 parts. The first part of “the egg white” is my use of the Psychodynamic approach; the second part is coping strategies; the third part is trauma treatment; the fourth part is existential therapy.
This is the part of HSP counselling where we focus on understanding how you came to be where you are. The Psychodynamic approach prioritizes insight into yourself, your origin story, your relationship dynamics, and your defenses. It includes exploring with curiosity and compassion how these aspects of your story may even present themselves in therapy in your relationship with your therapist. The psychodynamic part can be, as is often the case, woven throughout HSP counselling.
This is the part of HSP therapy where we focus on helping you develop coping strategies to deal with stressors and feelings of overwhelm in your life. Coping strategies can involve ways to help your body calm down, ways to contain, ways to deal with distress, and ways to have healthy relationships. Coping strategies that I introduce come from these different approaches: DBT-informed therapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness, and Body (Somatic) focused therapies. Coping strategies can be prioritized at any time or, as is often the case, woven throughout HSP therapy.
The Trauma treatment and healing part of therapy for highly sensitive people is focused around helping you process and heal from unresolved wounds that led you to develop core negative beliefs about yourself and the world. Healing your core negative beliefs results in the removing of unconscious obstacles that may interfering with your being able to move towards the work, relationships, sense of self, or life that you want. Trauma treatment approaches that I use include Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) and Flash Technique. This part can be prioritized at any time or, as is often the case, returned to throughout the highly sensitive person.
The Existential therapy approach involves exploring the things that matter to you, how you see yourself and the world, and exploring the values that you hold. This approach is about understanding what suffering you are willing to endure, and what suffering you are not. The existential therapy approach is also about exploring what kind of life would feel aligned with those same values and understanding and identifying the pain points where your life feels out of alignment. This approach is about exploring what it means to be deeply human and confronting the human truths of our existence, our limited life, and ultimately our death. It’s also about what it means to witness suffering in the world as a Highly Sensitive woman and how to grieve and co-exist with this pain. All while also connecting with the hope within to take action in ways that are aligned with what is meaningful to you and your values.
What Is Holding You Back From Beginning Online Therapy for Highly Sensitive People?
There are many reasons that women postpone seeking out and beginning therapy for highly sensitive people. Below are some of the most common ones I hear as an HSP therapist in Calgary about why they delayed:
Women are often caretakers in the family and physical, emotional and invisible labour is real. Many of my clients tell me that it is hard to squeeze a bathroom break sometimes let alone a whole appointment. As a working woman and a mom with a busy schedule I get it. But when we go until we collapse that’s not serving anyone and you matter. At IMatter I offer online therapy by video conference from the comfort of your own home (garage or parked car) to help make HSP counselling easier to fit into your schedule. If you don’t have to commute to an office and back, all you need is a private space that’s relatively quiet and a good internet connection. Because of this online therapy can more conveniently fit around your schedule.
I’m so sorry if this has happened to you. In Alberta, indeed across Canada, there are a wide range of different types of clinicians offering therapy (or therapy-like*) services. This includes counsellors, psychotherapists, life coaches*, GPs, Psychiatrists and Masters-level and Doctoral-level Psychologists.
Amongst these many different types of clinicians, only doctoral-level Psychologists (that means Psychologists who have completed a PhD or PsyD) go through the most rigorous and intensive training programs for providing safe, ethical, skilled and effective counselling and therapy. In addition, differing clinicians may have differing world views, ethics codes (or lack thereof) and ways of conducting therapy. Some of those ways may not have been a fit for you and your needs. It can feel so hard to have hope that things can be different. I understand how hard it is to start again with another new therapist and tell your story again. It’s an act of hope and of faith. Rest assured that if I don’t seem like a fit for you I want you to tell me so we can get you connected to someone who is a better fit for you.
Often clients come to me apologizing for not knowing what it is that the really want out of therapy. Did you know that this is absolutely okay? It’s hard to know where we want to go when we’re deep in the dark forest of our experiences and don’t know which way is out or even if we will ever get out. It’s hard to see the sky with our nose pressed to the bark. Yes, I am here to work with you on the goals you come in with, but I am also here to help you figure out what your goals are. Sometimes in therapy for highly sensitive women the key focus of the first few sessions is figuring out what you even want out of this process. You don’t have to do that alone.
This one is hard. The reality is that psychological services are not covered yet by the government (though Psychologists have been advocating for this since the 1980s). While life continues to get more and more expensive with mortgage rates and groceries and gas all climbing, it can be difficult to justify the expense of therapy. In some cases it just does not make sense to take that step into HSP counselling for sound financial reasons. In that case I would certainly recommend some low/no cost options in the community or through provincial healthcare. While there may be a wait to access such services and the clinicians may or may not have the same level of training as doctoral-level Psychologists, in some cases this is indeed the best and most logical alternative.
That said, often when women say to me that they don’t have the finances for HSP therapy what they really mean, however, is that they are not willing to prioritize the finances for therapy over, say, the cost of other optional goods and services. Such as eating out, or non-necessary shopping purchases, or alcohol, etc.
This is tricky, because those purchases bring immediate rewards, giving us an immediate dopamine bump, and temporarily distracting us from our struggles, our pain, and the hole we may feel in our heart and soul. This is in addition to the fact that when we choose to distract ourselves from the emotional pain or overwhelm we carry with such purchases, the suffering is not in fact gone. It is simply waiting for us when the the distraction loses its novelty, or when the credit card bill arrives. It is calling to us when the “high” wears off. We can spend an incredible amount of money (and time and energy) trying to outrun our pain.
HSP counselling is an investment that, yes, takes time but it allows you to confront that suffering while supported and heal that pain. That can also limit the cost of those unhealed emotions in other areas of your life, relationships and work. And it also saves you a lot of money (and heartache and other losses) in the long term.
Finally, on a purely pragmatic note, did you know that psychological services by a Registered Psychologist are also tax deductible? Most people don’t. Check with your accountant for how this may apply to your financial picture.
I hear this one often. When we have struggled for so long and have perhaps experienced judgement from others or even judge ourselves, it can be hard to imagine being met with kindness, with compassion, with acceptance. I understand. I am human. I know what it’s like to struggle with something and wonder if anyone will truly understand and be non-judgmental and kind.
In addition to sitting with and bearing witness to the stories of suffering of thousands of Highly Sensitive (HSP) women over my 20+ year counselling career, I myself identify as a HSP woman and have known pain and trauma in my life’s journey from which I have healed through my own therapy.
I know you are doing the best you can right now. I know you have survived by adapting to the circumstances you’ve been handed, even if those adaptations are now taking a toll. I am here when you decide that you don’t want to try to figure it out alone anymore and I will not judge you.
In the work I do as an HSP therapist, I am often reminded how much pain we women are capable of bearing. I see Highly Sensitive women exhausted and drained and taking on still more projects or tasks at their work. I see HSP women barely able to stop crying and still showing up to their kids games and shuttling them to activities. I see HSP women barely able to breathe between anxiety and panic and still picking up groceries and checking on their spouse. Additionally, I see HSP women caregiving their elderly parents while feeling overwhelmed and barely able to hold it together.
It is possible that you can continue to bear it, possible that you can hold on till the needs of others are satisfied – but the question I ask you is what is it that leads you to believe that this is the only option for you? Do you believe that you matter and your needs matter as much as others in your life? If not, what has led you to come to this conclusion?
One of the things that the Highly Sensitive women I work with tell me often is when they prioritized their health everybody they loved and that truly loved them benefitted in some way. The ripples that were sent out were all positive. Yes, some adjustment was needed, but the reviews all came back a rave. When you love yourself, others benefit. Others learn from watching you. So, while I do understand that it can seem tempting to bear it a little longer or put your needs off until others are okay first, I invite you to consider what it would be like if you also got to have the support and healing that you wish for those you care most deeply about.
I love this question, and I get it more often than you might think. A lot of the Highly Sensitive (HSP) women who come to see me, heck a lot of folks in general, don’t realize that when you work with a doctoral-level psychologist that psychologist is trained to ensure that they keep you within your window of tolerance.
Your window of tolerance is the zone in which you are challenged and slightly stressed (like when you’re learning something new) but it feels manageable and it doesn’t bother you too much. This is the optimal zone for therapy for highly sensitive people to be effective. When you are outside of your zone of tolerance you may be either hyper-aroused or hypo-aroused. If you’re hyper-aroused it means you are feeling anxious, angry, out of control, or overwhelmed and your body is sending you signals to fight or run away. If you are hypo-aroused it means you are feeling spacey, zoned-out, numb, or frozen and your body wants to shut down or disengaged.
Everybody’s window of tolerance is different, and if we have experienced trauma or overwhelming life experiences in the past (or are currently experiencing high stress) our window of tolerance may be small.
My job as your HSP therapist is, in part, helping you both stay in your window of tolerance as well as expand your window of tolerance. In this way you don’t experience HSP therapy as overwhelming, and perhaps begin to avoid it, and you also feel more able to cope with life’s challenges.

Start Therapy for Highly Sensitive People in Alberta
At IMatter in Alberta, we understand the unique challenges faced by Highly Sensitive women. Our specialized therapy for highly sensitive people can help you navigate and overcome these challenges. Thus leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Here’s how you can begin your journey toward healing with an HSP therapist:
Reach out to schedule your first appointment
Start your journey with Dr.Easter
Feel empowered as you start to heal and gain insights.
Through online therapy, all services at IMatter are available throughout Calgary, Edmonton, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and New Brunswick.
Other Online Therapy Services Offered in Calgary & Throughout Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Nunavut
Therapy for highly sensitive people isn’t the only specialty that I offer. I also provide therapy for perfectionism, counselling for womens mental health, therapy for therapists, and more!
Reach out today to see if online therapy at IMatter is the right fit for you.